
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Quoted from Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom:
"A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." --- Henry Adams.

As I remember, I once dreamed about being a kindergarten teacher. Actually, not just being their teacher, but also own the place.. ahaha..! I picture myself clapping hands together, dancing along, singing with an expression so that they would understand the songs. Got to draw, to tell stories, to play, play, and play.. It's wonderful just to imagine what it would feels like. To be honest, even I forget who is my kindergarten teacher.. Hiks, so sorry. :( I know that the "quote" above is absolutely true.

In my school years, I've had so many teachers, and those with 'one of a kind'.. I remember Pak Irwan and Pak Ukim, who amaze me for their ability to tell a story. They could make a scenery or a simple story seems like fun. Whatever conversation we had in class, they could make it alive. I envy people with such a talent. They had a treasure that no one can stole, a charisma.
On the other side, having strict or maybe called hot blooded teachers in school is not a rare case. I had them, not only to teach us, but also takes their blood--boiled. Hihihi.. Well, I'm not going to mention them here for sure... Of course, to respect them.
In my college year, discussion with my lecturer and/or teacher is getting more often because of the homework isn't the same with the one in school. The group or individual projects are made for us to make us be ready for next. In this time, I adore those smart and briliant teachers.. They helped me through, with the best knowledge and experience they had, and with the faith in me that I would be able to do all the things I do. That includes Alm. Ibu Linda, who happened to be my un-choosable but supportive personal support teacher that has been encouraging me to gain the best grades, just because she thinks I can.
And you know what? Surprisingly, I can! It's crazy for me to think that all she said would come true in a semester. I never thought that I could, like few of my friends could..
And... talking about the teachers of my life? This one is talking about everyone, about God, my family and friends, my bosses, seniors and peers, my rivals, my fail and success, my every single thing that happened that has filled my life. By knowing that, I know those influence me.

Well, I am just hoping the best and pray for my teachers out there, and I would love to thank them for all of the things they have done for me. May Allah SWT take good care of you. Amin.

it's destined, 10/12/2008 10:51:00 AM.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
the lebaran's holiday



Awalnya udah rencana-rencana mau cerita tentang libur lebaran kemarin plus capture foto2xnya.. Tapi karena rasa capek dan males ya sudahlah.. Nanti dulu, ceritanya saja.. Hehe. The point is, I get to drive!! Nggak selama perjalanan sih, khususnya perjalanan balik (*pekalongan-cikampek...) dan perjalanan ke dieng dari pekalongan, sekalian mampir di rumah mbok-ku (*pengasuhku yang sudah lebih dari 23 tahun bersama keluarga, namun karena sudah tua dan sudah sukses di kampungnya, beliau diminta tidak bekerja lagi oleh anak2xnya..) .

Well anyway, Dieng tempat wisata yang cukup menyenangkan.. Objek wisata di sananya memang banyak, tapi kebetulan aku memang nggak nyari objek wisatanya, seperti candi, kawah, telaga warna, dsb.. cuma mau cari udara sejuk, jagung bakar, jalanan kelak-kelok, pemandangan alam yang indah, macam itu lah. Aku excited banget tiap ketemu jalanan yang mengejutkan.. Nggak ada deh tuh istilah capek. Keloknya tiba-tiba, bisa mananjak, manurung.. ;p *Senyam-senyum sendiri.. Rasa capeknya puas banget. Senang deh!

Selain jalan-jalan untuk wisata alam, karena berada di pusat batik juga, alias Pekalongan.. Nggak mungkin aku lewatin begitu aja, tanpa belanja!! Hehe.. Pergilah kami ke Pusat Grosir Batik Sentono.. Selain pilihannya banyak, belanja di sana puas banget karena harganya jauh-jauh-jauh sekali jika dibandingkan beli di jakarta, itc sekalipun.. Dan.. buat saya, setelah kemarin browsing2x di sana, lebih suka rasanya belanja batik di pekalongan ketimbang di yogya.. di yogya, khususnya di pasar serupa, memang murah-murah juga, tapi pilihannya kurang ok, beda deh sama yang ada di sana.. Btw, jadi nggak enak nih, aku kan nggak oleh-olehin temen kantor.. hehehe. Maap, abis waktunya terbatas kemaren.. Ehehe, ehehe..

Wisata kuliner!!! Nah, yang ini nih bonusnya jalan-jalan ke luar kota. Cari dicari, apa makanan khas Pekalongan? Katanya: Garang Asem. Langsung cari restoran yang terkenal dengan garang asemnya.. Dikasihtaunya di dekat alun-alun, tinggal cari aja yang rame, set-sat-set.. dapet tempatnya! Namanya H. Masduki. Ramenya buseeet, aku aja sampe dapet tempat sendiri berdua sama adekku, sementara yang laen misah sendiri-sendiri.. Selain itu, katanya daging Kerbau juga jadi masakan khas sana.. Tapi ogah ah.. Nggak selera dengernya juga. Ntar abis makan nyanyi "Aduh duh, e copot-copot.. Apa mak yang copot-copot? Giginya yang copot-copot.. Pantesan pipinya kempot!" Hehehehe... Yang lain deh, yang lain... Oya! Makan soto ayam. Tapi kali ini beda, makannya pake lontong, kuahnya dipakein tauco. Yaa.. eemm, nggak begitu 'wah' gitu sih.. masih enakan soto ayam yang ada di Solo.. Namanya lupa, warungnya warna biru/ijo gitu deh.. Masih cerita soal makanan! Save the best for last! Kita sempet nyobain sate kambing paling guede, dan paling tebel sepanjang sejarah makan sate kambing di Jakarta! Rasa ok lah.. Memang masih sedikit 'berjuang' mengunyah.. Tapi yang pasti "nampol abeees'.. Cuma malemnya mesti nyari obat anti kolesterol.. Karena ditambah dengan makan Duren, booo!! Fiuh.. Hehe. *Fyi, nyari obat sampe ke semarang.. karena kebetulan udah di mal, nonton deh di bioskop sana.. iseng banget yah..? nyari mammamia nggak ada, akhirnya nonton mama barbie.. film yang nggak banget buat ditonton di bioskop. --maap ya tante titi.. hehe.

Well, selama mengisi waktu senggang diantara liburan itu.. aku ditemani dengan mainan kesayanganku, hadiah dari pacarku yang kucinta.. ehehe.. main Tomb Raider: Anniversary di psp. Sebelum main game-nya aku mainin yang game Croft Manor-nya dulu.. Udah lama nggak main lagi, jadi itung-itung practice laa.. Cuma ternyata, aku stuck! Coba sana-sini.. Ujung2xnya stuck.. Terpaksa, aku cari game faq-nya.. Eh, nggak taunya ada orang yang sudah memamerkan prestasinya di youtube. Jago banget do'i.. Sampe-sampe berasa kayak nonton movie. I'll give you the link to these videos if you would like to watch it.. Here u go:
Croft Manor 1, Croft Manor 2, Croft Manor 3.

Nanti aku coba! Oya.. buku2xku juga belom dibaca juga loh... Haiyah! Ndak mutu.. Kebanyakan mau memang nih aku.. ;p

it's destined, 10/07/2008 12:36:00 AM.

The Love
loves music with a big L,
loves to sing it or listen to it..
loves my family so much!!
loves to hang out with friends, esp. bestfriends!
loves the mountain air!
loves my ehem2x..
loves my cat!
loves the magnifient Mc Donald's double cheeseburger!!Yum..
loves rum raisin ice cream at ragusa's!
loves this and that
but most of all, i love people who loves.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
This is My Spotlight!
Putri Utaminingtyas
Eksi Nadiasti
Akhmad Aldi
Andreas Mundhy
Yudith Prasasti
Muhammad Ikhtiarso
Andi Adhyaksa
Cici Anggitha
Danang Wedhasmara
Ida Wahyuni
Ketek -- Serius, ketek!

printf("Hello, World!");
my prep, for the big thing coming...
kinda need some zzZZzzZZzz...
please come back dong
lagi-lagi berita pemilu
Sea Snorkeling(ktnya snorkel, bkn snorkling)
Today's Pizzas
musim hujan tlah tiba (lagi).
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.